Change your habits, change your beliefs, and change your life.

Speaking + Keynotes
Dr. Peggy Mitchell Clarke has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, and is an ordained minister, author, and radio show host, who literally “wrote the book on change” 15 years ago when she authored the self-help classic, Do Something Different…For a Change. As a thought leader and keynote speaker on behavior change, she speaks on how to transform mindsets and maximize habits to promote enduring and meaningful personal and professional growth.
Dr. Peg has traveled North America as a voice and advocate for reducing the stigma of mental illness, helping teachers and healthcare professionals prevent burnout, and improving school and workplace safety by implementing evidence-based practices such as behavioral threat assessment and mental health first aid.
Once described as “a quiet voice with a spirit of influence,” Dr. Peg is highly sought out as an emcee, keynote speaker, and voice over artist for faith-based, community, educational, healthcare, and corporate events and groups. As an ordained minister, Dr. Peg is able to effectively address both secular and faith-based audiences with applied science and spiritually relevant messages, and she has spoken to audiences varied in theme and size such as the Colorado Black Health Collaborative, Veteran Affairs Health Administration, Campus Safety Conference, National League of American Pen Women, and other groups across the United States and Canada.
As authentic and captivating in person as she is over the radio, Dr. Peg will have your audience laughing out loud one minute and deeply reflecting the next as she teaches you how to change your everyday behaviors and inspires you to live well and imagine more.
Dr. Peg has addressed numerous local and national organizations, businesses, faith-based groups, and educational institutions as a keynote speaker and emcee, including:
Current Keynote Topics Include the Titles Below or Ask Dr. Peg to Customize a Speech for Your Group
Do Something Different...For a Change
Finally, Get Unstuck + Achieve Change That Lasts
Doggie Tales
Lessons on Life, Love + Loss I Learned From My Dog
Stress Less. Imagine More.
Go From Overwhelmed to Overflowing
Dr. Peg ministering to the women at Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Temple on July 8, 2023 in Hampton, Virginia.

Dr. Peg was interviewed by Apostle Anthony Wilson for his podcast, “Love Thy Naybor” on Christians and Mental Health on February 28, 2022.